Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the Shorter-Harris Foundation shipped a total of 21 Boxes of clothing and toys to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in early January. We coordinated our efforts through the Catholic Church, “Nuestra Señora de America Latina,” and we distributed the goods on the week of January 17th through the 24th. We would like to thank Father Ramón Suero Serrano for facilitating his church and his staff to make this charity work possible.
We also traveled to the Bávaro area to visit the other children. Once there, we were saddened by the sudden passing of our “Kiko,” who died last year. Kiko served as the source of inspiration for this Foundation when we first met him 2 years ago. Needless to say we are devastated by such news. We had promised Kiko and friends that we would return one day and it was exactly one year to the date of the anniversary of his death when we returned to the Dominican Republic. He is the child featured in the middle of the Foundation’s homepage. We visited his family who lives in a very precarious condition, with no running water, no bathroom facilities and a shack that sleeps 5 (pictures are in the Gallery Section). We will continue helping families throughout our Foundation in memoriam of Luis Alberto Mateus Mercedes “Kiko” Born Jun, 9th, 2000, died January 17th, 2008. We appreciate your continued support.
God Bless. Eva Harris & Maritza Shorter